Friday Night:
Went to A's at 6
ish. Forgot to put underwear on, luckily I had an extra pair in the car
lol. Stood in her street putting it on.
A: Are you putting your underwear on outside my apt. building right
K: Of course, hey! at least I'm putting them on.
A: (Laughs out loud) Yeah considering you're wearing my dress.
K: Looks good doesn't it?! Now where are your shoes I wanna wear?!
We look hot, have to if you're going to be networking at some chi-chi rooftop of Old Town. We pick up S and head out! Walk in do a once over and greet the host who gets us vino stat. Love her. A knows everyone (of course) so S and I go out to the rooftop to scope out the scene and
drinkie drink. After about 5 glasses later, a fight between the 3 of us and networking my ass off (with
mucho help from S and A of course) to do consulting for the Washington Home & Garden Mag (keep your fingers crossed!!) we leave. Not even going to say what we attempted next, too
embarrassing. basically we were SHUNNED!!
Excccuuseeee meeee?! 3
hotties from the North you're going to turn away?!That's tacky and uncool. Just jealous of the Yankees status.
NEXT! go see the crush play. He does look mighty
yummers up there on the "stage" not really a stage
per say but a platform perhaps?! 3 of us go the bathroom right away. Come out and get some
RBVs and run into J. He is obviously flirting with us and we are
obvi way too into our drinks to care. we chat and he's funny when A turns to me:
A: There's no effing vodka in this drink!? Let me try yours. (Same)
Ew! Tacky! Tell that bartender to put more in!!
J: You girls are nuts.
A: Bartender! Excuse me! There's not enough in here can you put more?!
Bartender fills our drinks and we're off to find the closest seat possible to the band. S knows everybody here so I let her lead the way.Perfect! She pulls through as usual with a table RIGHT NEXT TO the platform. Eye candy and eye contact, what's better!? Oh yeah sex. Maybe later.
So I flirt right in front so everyone can see,
especially R.
Plan WORKS! Well almost. He finishes the set and comes off the stage. Is walking towards me and then
bam! starts talking to some other person RIGHT in front of me!! tacky. So i give a little tug on his back jean pocket, no label jean pocket that is. Sad face, I do love a guy in Sevens or some Trues. Oh well he drives a Land Rover it's okay. Anyways, I give a little tug and he instantly grabs my hand and rubs my thumb twice, just to let me know HE knew i was there. Perfect.
He makes a girl wait though let me tell you. Does a round around the bar counter-clockwise!
HELLLOOO I am standing clockwise to you.
He comes over and we chat and we're flirting and all of a sudden verbal
diarrhea I go, "
Umm why haven't you asked for my number yet, I know you want to." Ha! that works too!! He gets the
digies, goes back on stage,
woops, platform and A and I peace out.
We get back to her place and I hop in my car and go to C's house. Perfect night. Get to drink for free, flirt with the crush and a nightcap at C's.
"What?! Where Am I?! shit!!" I look to my left and see C, look to my right I see my belt, look at the door I see my dress (A's dress. I promised her
I will get it dry cleaned) and look towards the nightstand and there are my shoes (well A's shoes)!
Ohhh nooo I just showed up here last night or rather this morning! You see C and I have not exchanged phone numbers ever. It works best that way. No drama, no worrying if I should text/or why hasn't he
texted me?!?! Try it ladies it works. Until You just show up at 3 am
ohhh godddd...He sees I've woken and pulls my naked body into his boxer clothed one. I always end up being the one completely naked. Damn. I cuddle for a second and then:
K: Oh shit! what time is it?!
C: It's Saturday it doesn't matter.
K; It's not Saturday, it's Gold Cup Day!! They're picking me up at 9:30!!
C: It's like 8:45
Shit! Shit! Shit! I have to get home now!! You can't go to The Plains looking strung out and rocker chic. My favorite look but still this
is Virginia Country Republican Lilly Wearing Mercedes/Range driving day!
I get in my car and speed home and swear if I got pulled over I would get a DUI for sure. No
LiLo here people. I get home strip my clothes off
as I sprint to my bathroom throw my hair into a ponytail and rinse off the sex. That is if we even had it I was ridiculously wasted last night and can't remember.Thank god I had
already picked out in my head what I was going to wear. A strapless navy polka-dot on w
hite dress seemed good. Hair is wavy, Cole
Haan patent leather flats because I will not be able to walk in heels all day in the grass and my Ray-Ban aviators. I'll fit in but still stand out..Perfect.
Get the wine together and E is outside in her Lexus waiting with her two friends who BTW look just as perfect as she does. I freak for a second but hop in the car and proclaim, "Hi guys! Nice to meet you, I just got home half an hour ago am still drunk but I brought wine!" Throw the wine in the air to show them and they automatically love me.
We stop for breakfast and the grocery store for 8 bottles of Andre and mixers. I like the way this day is starting out! We commence our hour long
ride out to the Virginian country. Along the way we gossip, dish and drink. Four of the bottles are down by the time we get there. Perfect.
Typical horse race day.
Everyone's beautiful and preppy and happy. We make new friends run into old when all of a sudden I remember! I think R
said he was going to be here today!!
yesssss..We now have one
another's numbers so I text.
K: Hey! Did I imagine that you told me last night you were going to Gold Cup today?!
R: Yea I'm here!
K: Awesome so are we, we're finishing up our Dre and going over to Members Hill.
R: That's where we are, 50 yards to the Left of the Announcers.
So we go to Members Hill and go say hello to the pretty horses first. then I get the girls to go 50 yards to the
left of the announcers.
And I see him.
Woohoo! He gives me a hug hello and I don't remember a thing we talked about that whole day. I do remember him kissing me on my forehead and holding my hand. the girls had left me there in my heaven and I was fake and got to know his friends even more. J was there (
RBV comment boy) so I got to say at least I knew someone.
The girls find me and say we have to go to the Capital tent.
Nooooo i think to myself and R agrees. He tries to convince the 3 beauties we should stay and drink with them. he fails. So I leave my crush and go towards the Cap tent. We stop at the bathrooms for some PP and we're all picked up and ready to go for the next half of our day. I don't remember much after that. Just more mimosas and PP and the drive home. I asked E to drive me home, they were
all going out in the city to Josephine's but I had not slept in days really.
I pass out when I get home and wake to a text from R at 11:30.
R: Hey how was your Gold Cup?
K: it was great, got to see you :)
R: Yeah it was a good time, what are you doing tomorrow?
K: No plans over here.
R: We're playing now for the Gold Cup after party.
What?! Did he ignore my "no plans over here?!" He had to be drunk but
seriuosly WTF?! you don't ask a girl that question. And not answer it. I may
have found my game-playing match. Damn! So I go back to sleep.
Sunday was mostly the Seventy-Three realization day. But I did have a great dinner at S's with her and her boyfriend. They are the PERFECT couple. I die when i think about them. I wish they would clone him for all of us ladies. I'm still quite hungover from all of the alcohol and drugs of the weekend so I don't stay long.
I go home and watch Rachel Getting Married. SO DEPRESSING! I cried, please don't watch. The minute the credits come on I get a phone call. Whose
calling me on a Sunday night at 11?! R!!!! So I squeal "
EEEE!!" out loud in my apartment alone and pick up:
HelllloooooR: Hey Kate what's up! It's J.
K: (I say
Ughh out loud and roll my eyes) Oh, Hey whats up?
J: What are you doing?! It's
SUnday FUnday!
K: Yes it is, I just finished a movie.
J: What?! Where? With who?
K: Oh just left S's. (Lie but I can't look like a loser!!)
J: Wait I cant hear I'm putting you on speaker.
K: What? NO! I don't WANNA be on speaker!!
J plus 6 others: It's S
unday F
unday get over here for some beer pong
Ohhh I don't
knowww (then I hear R in the background whining I wouldn't be coming over!!) but you know I can't turn down alcohol!! I'll be there in a bit
So I put my Aubergine Hunters, tight jeans, white on whites with not-so-perfect wavy hair and go over!
R comes to the door gives me a kiss on the cheek hello and it's 5
th grade awkward.
Lovesss it!!! We have a personal 2 second
convo and go upstairs.
I get introduced to everyone, they're his roommates who I have met before at a party at
their house but I go along with it, Hi, Nice to meet you and repeat.
R pays extra attention to me to make me feel comfortable. Which I don't but I pretend I do. Typical beer pong in a house night. So I go downstairs to use the ladies and when i come out R is right there!
HiiR: Hey
BAM! HE KISSES ME!!! My crush actually kisses me, this never happens!
Woohoo this is the best Sunday
Funday ever. So we walk into his room and make out some more.
R: You having a good time?
K: Yea
espeically now.
R: that's good.
K: :)
R: You should stay here tonight.
NEWS FLASH!! first time coming over, first kiss but NOT first sex!!
NONONO why did he
goooo there?!?!?
K: Oh you think so? I don't think so. I need to go home.
R: You've had more than 3 beers you're not allowed to drive home. I won't let you.
K: So you want me to stay the night? Why weren't you the one who called me from your phone earlier? I was quite upset hearing J's voice and not yours.
R: Honestly, I was nervous.
K: You were nervous to call me? But not nervous to ask me to stay the night?
HmmR: (shrugs) You really shouldn't drive though.
K: Okay but if I stay here we are NOT doing ANYTHING other than kissing.
R: Maybe a little something else?
K: absolutely not
R: K, let's go back upstairs.
We go back up sit on the couch join in the
convo we were absent for when he turns to me:
R: Wanna go to bed?
K: Yeah
We go to bed and put in WAIT FOR IT, WAIT FOR IT...
noooooo this is the number one way to get in K's pants. Wall-Fucking-E!! The best love story ever made. I just open right up.
But I didn't on Sunday it was 4 in the morning by then I kissed him, made out a little and rolled over and went to bed.
Woke up next morning just in time to make it to work.
That my friends is a weekend of Shenanigans.