Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Like Him, I Like Him Not. He Likes Me, He Likes Me Not..

..These are the thoughts running through my head today after yesterday.

Had lunch with SB yesterday. TG. You see he's a good friend of MT and now my "big bro". He moved to this area last June from NYC & that's basically when we met, at his going away party. We've been friends ever since.

MT and I had come down to the area last summer to visit him and A. When I moved here SB helped me adjust. He also has helped more than ANYONE can know with my still on-going process of getting over MT. That dreadful day (now 77 days later) it was SB I called the minute I hung up with MT. Now SB got re-located back to Jersey. Sad face. We talk on the phone just about every other day and BBM one another every day and tell each other mostly everything. So its sad he's gone but he still visits! Yayy

When I got back from lunch I was drunk. For some CRAZY reason we always get drunk off of only one Corona. I think its bc we're always happy to see one another again and laugh the entire time. I fill Big Bro in on my recent events. He calls me a minx and starts asking questions. Such as: Do you like C? What are you going to do if R likes you back? Are you going to continue to hook up with C? How would you just stop that? etc.

I try to answer each question honestly. C and I are strictly friends with benefits. If R likes me back I will hook up with C until it's clear if R and I could really possibly go somewhere. I would be up front and honest with C because we're already very straight forward and easy-going as it is. But wait, do I like C? I wanted to see him last night but he hasn't been on FB all day for me to get definite answer. arghhh

After some waiting on FB I take a nap, get ready and I pick up A, yes I was DD. I am a very good DD too, will only drink one drink and one round of beer pong if we're there for more than 2 hours. We go to our friends birthday party. Which was super fun! Lots of gays, lots of music and easy going crowd. Loved it. While we're there S BBMs me:

S: B & S just stopped by (B & S are roommates with R) S: Bc she had to drop something off for work, this place is one of her accounts. S: And he said R has been done with his ex gf for a long time
S: And that R likes u yayy!!
K: Omg!!!!!
K: Shutup!!

S always gets the gossip.
Can you believe it people?! Woohoo!! So R texted me later about us all meeting up but they were all being lazy and I did not want to go to his house after 11 pm cuz that SCREAMS booty call. So we're going to get food this week :-) So excited!!!

While talking with R, C's roommate texted me for my status and said they were going into the city and for A and I to meet up with them. He's always super fun to go out with and I was driving so yep we go to DC. A actually has me drop her off and I of course am the only girl out again with the boys. Tisk tisk. C doesn't go out so I wasn't expecting to see him until we got back to the house.

I find his roomie and we're all hanging out when all of a sudden, C appears!! My heart stops people. Right there. I smile but in my head I'm like, "Why did you just react to seeing him like that K?! It had to of been a slip, it was nothing. Right???" So he comes over and gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek and let me tell you people he looked goooooood! Sevens, Grey v-neck (I'm guessing from American Apparel) and a black hat. I was wearing a super short purple dress with these hot new camel colored gladiator sandals and my hair was actually super straight. He told me I looked sexy as hell. We were together most of the night and there was major PDA. I couldn't believe he was like that, I still don't. He gets wasted and I mean wassstteedddd. All of the boys probably took like 7/8 shots and never stopped drinking between. The bartender hooked them up but their tab was still over $300. Crazy boys gotta love 'em! Sigh

Thinking now I still get turned on about him. Dammit!! So we all leave, I bring them to their friends house to get their cars and they meet his roomie and I back at their place. We basically can't keep our hands off of one another until I leave this morning. Tried some new things last night that weren't actually too bad ;-) Looking forward to next time. He tortured me all morning by kissing me in those certain spots everyone has that makes their toes curl and all I wanted was to spend the day in his bed with him. We laughed all morning and talked about the previous night. He also told me he is sooo not into PDA but I was looking sexy as hell and he just couldn't control himself around me. Sigh again. In his half awake/half sleeping mode called me baby and pulled me back into him when I rolled away from his tight hug I had fallen asleep wrapped up in.

I Like Him? I Like Him Not? He Likes Me? He Likes Me Not?

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